Michael Gough

“Be the person you want to be, not the person everyone expects you to be”

Where it all began

“I am going to make sure this is your favorite newsletter and here’s a little backstory of how I got into this crazy world,’’

A bit about me

I have lived quite a varied life that has taken me all over the world, and this has influenced the things I like to write about

After leaving school I joined the Army, absolutely love it and that’s what gave be the travel bug.

I ended up leaving when I was in my early twenties after visiting the Middle East. Not because I didn’t like it, I just knew that I needed more out of life, and I fell in love with Oman.

I spent the next few years living in the UK and also travelling quite a bit as well as starting my first business.

More about that later.

At the end of the 90s I got the opportunity to go out to the Middle East to live and work. I ended up in Dubai.

The first couple of years were really exciting; I was making great money and having lots of fun.

That all changed after 911.

I worked for a company whose major clients were all in the tourism business. The events of 911 absolutely killed tourism in the UAE, temporarily, but that was enough to make me jobless.

Now, I had two choices, get on a plane and go home, or somehow survive out there and get through it.

I think you can guess which option I chose.

I worked part time as a security guard on the doors of bars and clubs on events, anything that paid so I could keep the lights on. I quite enjoyed it if I’m honest, I was good with people and I was strong and fit, I was a natural.

Getting skilled for the next challenge

I spent the next three going on courses so I was qualified in just about every aspect of the business. After some time while I was working freelance for a few companies I started to study what they were doing.

How could this be done better?

What would I fix if this were my company?

Why don’t they do it this way?

This is something I have always done, ever since I was a child.

I knew I could do it better and I did

· I started my own company from a tiny office with a business partner and no staff.

· We build that company to a point where we were able to do a merger.

· We became shareholders in a company that eventually grew to have over 24,000 staff.

You never know where life will take you.

I ended up spending 17 years out there until I sold my interest in the business and decided to leave Dubai. This is when I first got my interest in finance and property and that is what I have done solely for nearly 10 years now.

So what does this mean for you?

It means I can teach you the things they don’t teach you in School or University.

I can share with you first-hand experience and save you from making a lot of mistakes.

I will also share some funny stories with you to lighten things up a bit.

I have got a lot of valuable stuff for you

I generally write about.



Healthy Lifestyle


Self Improvement

If those are things you resonate with, we’ll definitely get along.

If not, you’re probably better off unsubscribing. No hard feelings.

Looking forward to it.

That’s all for this one.


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