The Christmas Star Adventure
In the magical village of Novo Selo, Bulgaria, where snowflakes dance like little stars, a curious girl named Megan sets out on a quest to find a legendary Christmas star that grants wishes. Armed with her flashlight and a heart full of hope, she soon discovers that the journey is not just about making wishes,…
Where it all began
“I am going to make sure this is your favorite newsletter and here’s a little backstory of how I got into this crazy world,’’ A bit about me I have lived quite a varied life that has taken me all over the world, and this has influenced the things I like to write about After…
It’s not as complicated as you think
Making the right choices about what you eat. To start living a healthy lifestyle, you will need to make your own decisions. Obesity has dramatically increased over the past 30 years and is the cause of many illnesses and diseases. When obesity first came on the radar as a global health issue, the food industry…